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Children’s Sunday School:  Pre-K to 5th Grade.    Children attend Sunday traditional service through the Children’s Message time and then proceed to the upstairs education department.  Team Teachers use the Gospel Light Literature to engage and enlighten.  


Meridian Adult Sunday School Class:  ​ All ages. Lecture style.  We have a different teacher every week.  We are a sharing and caring group, which meets right after the 9:30 am worship service. 


Journey in Faith Adult Sunday School Class:   All ages.  Class participants discuss many of today’s questions, dilemmas, and opportunities in light of God’s word.  Meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month in the church library immediately after the 9:30 am worship service.  Bring your questions, and insights, and join an exciting discussion. 

We welcome new members.  

Our current topic is "Names of God".  We will use several resources including the book of the same name by Ann Spangler.  



Thursday Morning Bible Study Group:  Open to all.  Meets at 8:30 am in the church library.  Studying various authors and utilizing the Bible and video as we seek to live faithfully and fully as followers of Christ.  Each module of study is intended to aid in your walk with God.  You will be blessed!



Vacation Bible School:  Fun learning, crafting, singing, and experiencing God’s love.   Each year is a different theme. Meets every summer.  Check our calendar or call the church office for this year's activities and dates.

Good News Club at Emma K. Doub Elementary School:

 Bringing the word of God to participant children.


This after-school Bible Club has not been active since Covid.  We would love to hear from volunteers interested in starting it up again.

​Evangelism Committee:   

  •  Fellowship Time:  Provides and coordinates refreshments offered after the 9:30 am worship service each week.

  •  Visitor Welcoming:  Provide welcome bags for Emmanuel visitors each week.


Missions Committee

  • Financial Support - distribute funds to missions, charities, and organizations.  Some specific projects that receive donations include the Salvation Army Christmas Stockings, African Women in Need, and Nan McCurdy.

  • Micah’s Backpack – provides food every weekend during the school year to students at Emma Kay Doub Elementary who have been identified as hungry.


Music Ministry

  • Children’s Choir:  Children singing for the Lord.  Practice during Children’s Church on Sunday morning.  Sing once a month.

  • Chancel Choir:  Practice as announced.  The Choir presents anthems at the 9:30 am service.

  • Special Presentations:  Easter and Christmas Cantatas are presented at these special times.

        If you would like to share your musical talents at Emmanuel, please contact Dave Miller.​


Prayer Shawl Group:  Meets on the first Saturday of the month from 9-11 am @ Emmanuel.  We make baby blankets and prayer shawls for those in need of comfort.  Join us and get instructions to get started.  If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, someone will teach you.  If you can’t attend the meeting and know how to kit or crochet, we will provide instructions. 

For more information please get in touch with Liz Alberding.

All are welcome.


Parish Nurses:  Parish nurses have the unique opportunity to interact with all age groups as well as individuals and families here at Emmanuel.  They are involved in roles such as Health Educator, Health Counselor, Referral Source, Case Manager, Trainer of Volunteers, and Facilitator of Support Groups.​

  • Monthly Blood Pressure Checks and any health questions.


55 & Up Group Luncheon:   Meets the third Wednesday of each month.  Topics and locations change every month.

Come join us for good food, fun, and fellowship!  Please check the schedule in the back of the church or see Pastor Randy. 

January 15th, 11:30 am @ Hub City Diner.

©2020 by Emmanuel United Methodist Church.  Proudly created with

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802 Summit Avenue

Hagerstown, Maryland  21740


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